Password Grid - Secure password generator app for iOS/macOS
Password Grid

Password Grid

A secure password generator for iOS/macOS.

"This is awesome my friends were fooled they couldn't crack my message!"
-R278 ★★★★★
(more testimonials)

Screenshot iOS

iPhone App

Choosing and remembering a strong password is complicated. It's easier to remember an simple password and convert it to a secure one.

This is exactly what Password Grid does. It helps you generate a random grid of characters, based on a key you choose.

With the grid, you can visually convert an easy to remember passcode (like "secret") to something safer (like "8A2sN34v2s5T").

-You can have your converted passphrase copied to your clipboard or emailed to you for quick access.

-You can customize the grid generation complexity, with uppercase letters, numbers and symbols, which makes your encrypted passwords much more secure.

Enjoy, don't forget to rate it in the App Store and let us know if you have any feedback!
Made in Montreal!

(also known as PassGrid / Pass. Grid)

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Skyriser Media is not affiliated with Apple Inc.)