Password Grid - History

Password Grid - iOS - History

1.7.6 (2021.01.24):
-Bug fixes and improvements

1.7.5 (2020.04.24):
-Bug fixes and improvements

1.7.4 (2020.04.23):
-Bug fixes and improvements

1.7.3 (2020.04.19):
-Bug fixes and improvements

1.7.2 (2020.04.01):
-Bug fixes and improvements

1.3.8 (2016.05.18):
-Bug fixes and improvements

1.3.6 (2015.04.04):
-Bug fixes and improvements

1.3.5 (2014.04.03):
-local saved key is now encrypted
-bug fixes

1.3.4 (2013.12.18):
-bug fixes

1.3.3 (2013.12.06):
-newsletter bug fixes

1.3.2 (2013.11.27):
-user interface tweaks

1.3.1 (2013.11.18):
-fix font issues (special thanks to Michael and Christopher!)

1.3 (2013.10.27):
-fixes and new look for iOS 7

1.2 (2013.07.08)
-now free!
-requires iOS 6.0
-updated 3rd party libraries

1.1.11 (2013.04.22)
-user interface tweaks
-bug fixes

1.1.10 (2013.04.09)
-new help

1.1.9 (2013.03.29)
-user interface tweaks
-bug fixes

1.1.8 (2013.02.14)
-bug fix: missing key (thanks again Boris)

1.1.7 (2013.01.29)
-fewer warnings about missing key when "Remember Key" is disabled (thanks Boris!)

1.1.6 (2013.01.11)
-bug fixes
-crash reporting

1.1.5 (2012.12.05)
-smaller app size
-memory optimization
-user interface tweaks

1.1.4 (2012.11.26)
-bug fixes

1.1.3 (2012.09.27)
-support for iPhone 5
-support for iOS 6
-now requires minimum of iOS 5.0

1.1.2 (2012.08.25):
-settings: choose Grid/Convert tab on launch (thanks David!)
-interface tweaks: rounded corners, removed news tab, green switches (iOS 5.0 and later)
-bug fixes

1.1.1 (2012.08.21):
-fix crash in iOS 4.3

1.1 (2012.08.07):
Changes in 1.1:
-iPad compatible / Universal
-better layout, fonts
-minimum iOS 4.3
-updated third-party SDKs
-bug fixes

1.0.8 (2012.01.09):
-credits section
-bug fixes

1.0.7 (2012.01.06):
-news section
-share app using QR code
-visual tweaks, bug fixes

1.0.6 (2011.10.18):
-bug fixes in Help section

1.0.5 (2011.10.06):
-iOS 5 compatibility
-updated user interface (icon, colors)
-hide converted text after 1 minute, for security
-shake to clear converted text
-interface sounds (can be disabled)
-tweaks to rating alert
-launch notifications
-other bug fixes

1.0.4 (2011.01.04):
-key now hidden
-correctly forgets key
-fix bugs with analytics
-other bug fixes

-compiled for iOS 4.2
-added compatibility with iOS 3.0
-bug fixes

-optimized for iOS4
-removed analytics
-bug fixes

-user interface tweaks
-added better help text
-updated button URLs
-added analytics
-tweaks for iPad simulator

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Skyriser Media is not affiliated with Apple Inc.)